Let My Shadow Proves The Sunshine ... ♫♫

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2009

move out... ;( should i be happy or saadd??

uh..... bsk gw bkl move out.... en have my own' lifeee....? hepi? hmm.... i'll be missing lots of things.... my dog, hum, music partner ~ piano,... n especially my Mom ;( & masakannya hiks hiks...

mom, doakan anakmu ini yaaa... bs survive diluaran sana... *huks hukss*
smg daku balik dgn membawa sgl harapan dan cita2mu slama ini...

sorry' and thank you for everything... :)


Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

capeek yang melegakaan.... :))

hoaaaa... i made a big decision todaay... sbnrnya gw menconsidered-nya sbg kondisi' dmn gw ga mau mengambil keputusan tsb, but i had to.... sorry... i have to say this.... ;(

but then i realize and sure that God definetly has a BIG plan (which is good) for me :)) that's why i just follow His way... to a way that i never been before.. or even imagine to do it....

so God, plis give me the strength en power to get through these.. above of all, the happiness and enjoyment in doing whatever u choose me to do... amen.. :)

well, cheers to me!, finally i got a job.... guys remind me to keep moving, never look back.... gw hrs positif melihat sgl ssuatu kedpnnya... :D
u can do it darling!! ^o^

Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

welcome back! :D


waah gila cuy, ........ stlh skian lama off.. dr ngeblog., gtw knp hari ini gw tiba2 kpikiran ama blog gw ini.. .haha gelo gelo... what it meanss.. stlh skian lama hingar bingar ksibukan dan liburan (which is itung sndr deh dari tgl entry trakhir gw.... hahaha --lama bgtt.) .. dan knp juga gw bs tiba2 kpikiran gni?? gw juga bingung.. ;p mgkn krn sbntr lagi gw sdg mnunggu2 masa sibuk yg akan dtg kpdku... i dont know, i will be signing a new job... dlm wkt dekat.... :)) well nope, i dont mean to leave this blog againn.. hehe.. hopefully gw bs lanjut nulis lagi... @least dlm periode yg tratur... ga spt skrg ini hihi

eniwei,... these days i just love hunting makeup, and... blazer.... haha which is yg ga prnh trpikirkan ama gw sthn yg lalu... i remember last year, exactly just the same month, i was happy hunting my first job.... en just graduated :))
hmm time rily fliesss......... -____________-'

well while searching' this blog, i found some makeup pict from fb hehe cute!

next shoplist ~> silver eyeshadow, eyeliner, pensil alis, im running out of new nail color (fresh one plis),.. .... en more eyeshadow :p yg lain stocknya msh bnyk hehe!